It was upon a Lammas night…

As it’s Lammas today, I thought it appropriate to do a quick post about an upcoming illustrated Zoom talk I’m giving for The Viktor Wynd Museum and The Last Tuesday Society.

It’s titled It Was Upon a Lammas Night: Summerisle and The Wicker Man and is taking place on Thursday 14 September 2023 at 8pm UK time. In it, I’ll explore the real Scottish locations that make up the geography of the fictional Summerisle in the film, as well as talking about local history, folklore and the film itself. If you can’t make it live on the night then the event will be recorded for ticket-holders and a link sent the next day giving you a couple of weeks to catch up with it. There will be an audience Q&A session at the end, too.

I’m really looking forward to this, as it’s a great chance to revisit the time I spent in Dumfries and Galloway in Scotland researching The Wicker Man for Ghostland. I’ve also more recently visited other locations used in the film at Plockton up on the West Coast and the Isle of Skye.

Ticket details here.

Come of your own free will to the appointed placeā€¦